Narmada Main Canal Project, Gujarat, Gujarat



Narmada Canal, Gujarat

The Sardar Sarovar (Narmada) Project is a multipurpose River Valley project on the river Narmada in the state of Gujarat located along the western coast of India. This project is expected to provide irrigation benefits to a gross area of about 3.5 million hectares, generate approx. 950 MW hydro power at 60 percent load factor and provide partial flood control. The project envisages construction of a 1,210 meters long and 125 meters high concrete gravity dam, trimming of canal section, CC lining and RCC work for bridges across the canal.

Scope of Work:

  • Construction of main canal of 8.89 Kms. length & further extension up to 21.415 Kms.
  • Width of canal is 73 Mtrs. with side slopes of 20 Mtrs. each side
  • Removal and excavation of earth & rocks and utilization of the same